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Dr. Zatrok's blog

Dr. Zatrok's blog

7 hints for a restful night’s sleep

by Dr. Zsolt Zatrok

Rest, and sleep in particular, is one of the best things you can do for your body. But as simple as it may seem, many people still struggle to get a good night’s sleep. Here are some simple tips for better sleep.

In general, the depth of your sleep is important, as it’s when you can rest, recover and rejuvenate. However, in the modern world, many things can negatively affect your sleep at night: artificial light, electronics, stressful workplaces and caffeine are just a few. So it’s high time you did something about getting a better, quality night’s sleep.

Some simple things to do for a more restful night’s sleep

1. It matters when you exercise

Exercise has countless health benefits. One is that it provides a healthy fatigue to fall asleep. While exercise is extremely beneficial for sleep, do it during the day rather than in the evening. Vigorous exercise stimulates adrenaline production and will keep you feeling alert for quite some time, which you don’t need. So avoid exercising in the evening if possible.

2. Avoid caffeine in the afternoon

Caffeine is a stimulant that affects sleep. Its half-life is about 5 hours. This means that if you drink a coffee at 3 pm, you’ll still be feeling the effects at 10 pm. It is still present even when you are trying to fall asleep. If you rarely drink coffee and are not used to caffeine, the stimulating effect of afternoon coffee is even stronger for you.

3. Eat dinner on time

Make your evening meal as early as possible to give your stomach time to empty. This can take up to two hours. If you go to bed on an empty stomach, you can avoid the reflux symptoms that can plague you when you lie down.

4. Install a blue light filter on your computer and phone

If you use your phone or laptop at night, you may want to use a blue light filter. Of all visible light, it’s bluelight wavelength that has the most impact on your sleep time. Blue light filtering programs can be downloaded to your mobile phone and computer and will automatically turn off blue light in the evening.

5. Total darkness in the bedroom

Try sleeping in total darkness. If you suffer from insomnia, it’s definitely recommended.

Darkness is the best time to produce melatonin, which helps you sleep.

If you are exposed to any artificial light while you sleep, it can interrupt your circadian rhythm, suppress melatonin production and negatively affect the quality of your sleep. So it’s best to keep artificial lights out of your bedroom.

Turn off or remove all electronic devices from the room, lower the blinds and close the blackout curtains to block out the light from street lamps.

6. Go to bed earlier

Studies have shown that hours of sleep before midnight are extremely beneficial. Try to go to sleep before 10pm, as these early hours are more important than your overall sleep time. If you feel dizzy when you wake up, don’t try to sleep more, go to bed earlier and wake up earlier.

7, Sleep in a pulsating magnetic field

Numerous scientific articles support the fact that magnetic therapy significantly helps you sleep better. In this study, for example, 70 percent of patients who received pulsed magnet therapy experienced significant or even complete relief of sleep problems. Another 24 percent reported a clear improvement. Only 6% reported a slight improvement. When you add up the numbers, it turns out that every single participant in the study reported a beneficial effect of magnetic field treatment. It resulted in a significant or complete improvement in 70% of the participants, while the others “only” improved.

Sleep plays a big role in your energy levels and also affects how you feel during the day

So consider the suggestions. Some of them may not work for you and changing your daily rhythm may take some time. But if you take them, hopefully they will help you get a good night’s sleep.

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Discount Salt Pool 2022-01-24 - 10:47

Thanks for these tips! And as for the exercise, consider swimming. A few minutes of swimming a day can significantly improve the quality of sleep. In addition, this is a good option even for those who have problems with bones and joints, since swimming is a low-impact exercise.

Dr. Zsolt Zatrok 2022-01-27 - 14:08

Thank you for your comment.
Any physical excercise is excellent and helps sleep. Swimming, too. However, not everyone’s sleep is helped by swimming. In fact… there are many who “pick up” chronic sinusitis in the pool water. Many parents come to me for advice on this issue. Their regularly swimming child sleeps poorly because the sinusitis generates nasal congestion, discharge and coughing. It can be avoid by regular salty-air therapy. This device may help to avoid sinusitis.
